December 1

Bone’s of an armadillo

On the 23 May 1707, Carl Linnaeus was born. His dad, Nils ingemarsson Linnaeus, was a Lutheranism. When carl was born his dad took him to the national geographic museum. At the museum he saw a ball of bones. His dad was very interested in armadillo’s, when he saw it he was instantly fascinated. Later that year Carl said his first word his first word was “armadillo” Why? his dad thought. A year later and he said that word, no connection but the ball of bone’s of an armadillo. By then his dad new that carl was going to be a zoologist.

September 16


A check with her calendar confirmed she was more than three weeks late.

“I’m late” Jorja said.

“Late for what” said Eliza(Jorja’s older sister)

“Pay day”.

Jorja works at a laundry washing place. She is the head C.E.O but she gets paid a minuscule amount of money. She turns dirty brown clothes into white fresh clothes. People get stuck in sticky situations but don’t wash it straight away. 78% of the dirt and grime is MUD. When Jorja went into the store her boss sat there on a tiny wooden stool with no money in his hand. Will Jorja get paid?


September 3

No One Home

Two weeks ago, as I was preparing for our wedding, something strange happened. As i was not home he left a message on the wall. Not a nice one. His dreams, however mad, were never wrong. He was unacceptable. His behavior was unacceptable. When i got home “he” was now no longer home.

“I was just mad at you,” Jon said instinctively before he left.

If you were the only thing in my life i would live no longer



The woman said she understood but sounded confused at Jon’s sudden absence from their lives, though she didn’t ask for an explanation.

August 31

The Auction (Part 1)

“20 grand,”

“21 grand,”

“thirty grand,”

The auction prices were up in the air. This old museum held at an auction. Things were getting hectic. lights glowed in the midday, and antique furniture, rare paintings, elegant marble sculptures befitting a museum, silk rugs underfoot, and many other priceless displays of prestige lined the wide hall. Now this old museum was a wreck. Prices at $200,000,000. Who would would even want an old museum. In the middle of California, Spiders, old food and it needs a new paint job.

“who ever wins the auction will smash the building down”.

For part 2 go to

August 16

The Mystery On Fourth Street(The big red button)

How the buttons were brought here from hundreds of miles away remains a mystery. These stones Remain unbroken for thousands of years. One theory is that there is a sword inside of the stone. Another assumption is that there is an EXPLOSIVE in there. No one really knows.

Friday 21 0f July 1974, Fourth street,

“I will be the one, to risk my life for yours,” Alexander, The first prince of Jeraldston,

“No don’t do that, I won’t let you,” Spoke Elizabeth, princess of Jeraldston.

There is only one thing that no one can resist, and that is a big red button.


August 16


Once upon a time, in a land far away an old lady sat on the porch in her old rocking chair.

“What porch you ask”

A lonely, deteriorated, rickety house. This house was home to the ancestors love and pride put into it to form a lovely cottage, Although miles and miles away from the town. love is when someone else’s happiness and success is more important than anything you could ever imagine even your own self. The house was “TERRIFYING“. The old peoples tale was about the history of the house but no one knows why. Do you Know?


August 16


” Amazing, incredible, phenomenal, outstanding performance from you all ” congratulated Ian the head director of the A.B.C  ( Amazing . Brainiac . Companies).

About 30 years ago Ian was also the head director of the D.E.F  ( Daddy . Earth . Fashion). Ian loved his new job as the director of the new circus tropica. All Ian has ever wanted was to be apart of a team. Finally his team had come. Ian was the leader of a team. Teamwork is working together of people to achieve a certain goal. That goal is to become world famous for our phenomenal, outstanding effort. Ian was a superstar to everyone.

July 23

All she hated

The hair on her hair was thick and the mess on her head was as bad as a birds nest. She lifted the hair of her neck and sighed as she paused in the shade of a huge oak tree. All she hated was the wet, warm. muggy rain coming from inside the house. Were she had to stand undressed under the leaking tap. She never saw the point of putting bubbly liquid onto your head. so she never washed her hair. until one day she noticed a bird perched on the top of her head. “next time I will wash my hair thoroughly”.

July 23

💌love in Shakespeare’s eyes

Shakespeare remains so popular because he wrote about timeless human experiences, love and fear and anger and revenge and jealousy, ambition and regret and guilt. “Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind” Shakespeare spoke. love is destiny his thoughts opened as his words speak. One love cannot hold forever, but one marriage is not long before it fails. “I’m trying to hold on” he shouted, just one love can change. Not everyone is the same, you can hold on. Shakespeare’s last words were “To be or not to be: that is the question” if you want to be you can be, it’s only love.

July 23

My stealthy sneak out FAIL

Placing the bottle on the window sill where he could reach it easily, Marco climbed carefully and slowly through the window and lowered his legs. His heart beating fast he ran to the vehicle in a stealthy move, and backed out of the shed. He turned on some music with weak intentions of continuing his mission but instead just sat there, not knowing where he was going. My sneaky move out was in place until my furry cat took place.  There is no way to know where this furry feline has been or what it may have been exposed to. I got taken back home.