July 23

Its A Memory

My hair stood on end, a shiver raced down my spine and a lump to my throat. A statue I knew it. They are put up within communities as a sign of respect, usually from the people who live there. However, many statues were raised hundreds of years ago for people that no longer have any relevance or connection to the people that live in that place, or linked to actions and ideas that we no longer accept within our society. But that is not what it is. It’s a memory of the past, an action put up from ww1.

July 23

Ogres in the kitchen 👩‍🍳

It all started when Sarah started dreaming about magical creatures. A after a while she started realizing that imaginary creatures can come alive or be true. The day before eater Sarah decided to cook up a storm for easer morning tea. Soon she became obsessed with meeting new creatures as they came more realistic. later that day Sarah met a strange human-like creature called an “ogre”. ogres typically love to cook. The ogre started baking he had all the ingredients he needed, but one. “which way to the shops?” it panted. The ogre now had all the ingredients to bake a cake. It turned out deliciously yummy.

June 6

A Slight Breeze

In the cool winter breeze a light autumn leaf was floating around in mid air. A journey, a quest must appear. As it drifted it found a location. A brick monument stood as tall as a skyscraper. The leaf ended up on the top of the monument. As the leaf sat there it stared out into the view. The view full of the ocean  breeze and a horizon sunset, the leaf flew off. As normal birds do they eat insects. As the bird ate the insect the beach wind blew and as for me I got reunited with my tree.

May 30

no one remembers

She was wistful for a moment, then asked,

“Do you remember the old playground?”

“no ” he replied.

no one remembers the old playground. all she remembered about the playground were the mushrooms and the old wooden boat my grandad made me. I made the oar. The wrinkled mushrooms sat there people squishing them, riding over them on there bikes and scooters. After a while a young girl wrote a persuasive text ” don’t ride on the mushrooms”. now there’s a barrier around the grass that the mushrooms lay. The rule is “no one is to go in there and kill the mushrooms”. no one resects them.

February 26

The mouse trap

‘but where did it go?’ she shouted.

Jon and anna shouting trying to find the hord of mice. All the mice had hid behind the corner of the island bench as anna and Jon searched frantically with brooms and mops trying to find the mice. Then anna had an idea

” vacuum cleaner “.

Anna ran down stairs and grabbed the vacuum cleaner and it started sucking up the mice.

” It worked” Anna said surprised.

Their cat caelin had hid under their bed as anna and Jon held brooms and mops and vacuum cleaners. caelin was scared although they would never dared to hit caelin, she was still scared.



February 5

My first few days as a year 7

During my first few days my brain didn’t feel like I was a year 7.


In math’s we learnt about reality what you need to know to have a job and learning about connecting algorithms and area models. We also did a new thing called numeracy ninjas. Numeracy ninjas is a 5 min activity that includes timetables 12 and 24 hour times and the difference between numbers.


In literacy we have been learning about critical literacy such as bias. We been learning about different texts and the text structures and the different words and groups of words. In science we learnt about the skeletal system and the spinal cord with visual explanations.


With our buddies in America were doing 2 truths and a lie. 


For art we followed the artwork of Andria Beighton.




In conclusion we did a lot in the first few days and we are going to do heaps more.         

December 11

The Museum

“mum it’s starting come on” as I said excitingly when the museum tour was starting.

she hasn’t told you yet but there at the museum. I ran quickly to the dress section of old 1970s outfits. marinas mum works at the museum because she accepted to job offer. now that I can see the dresses I see the fine details such as the stitching and all the lace it looks beautiful. it looks as beautiful as a swan on a clean lake. It’s now almost 3:00 in the arvo and then a few seconds later I crashed. CRASH BANG! did I just fall?

December 11


We just left to go on a trip were only ten minutes in and were all fine. A few hours later our neighbor call me and says that we left our heater on I didn’t remember putting it on anyway. We can’t  turn back now. Ten minutes later our neighbor rings me again and says that our house is burnt to the ground.

“oh no oh no”.

we got to our destination and now were working out were we are going to live for the next few years. now its to to move into our new house it’s very different.